What no Basecamp? The truck was loaded to the brim for a month long road trip and yet we felt half naked as we rolled out of the driveway with no airstream in tow.

We didn’t just forget to hitch up though, it was a conscious decision. Our destination? Baja California – the little sticky out finger protruding into the Pacific on the west coast of Mexico. A round trip of around 2,500 miles in less than a month, on a route not exactly flooded with co-working office options. And have you seen the price of fuel lately! So the BaseCamp got an extended vacation in Santa Clarita instead.

Since getting back from our Christmas/New Year UK trip in January, we’ve been home nearly two months. We caught up with friends and I even poked my nose into the office, which was still far from back to normal. Those itchy feet were inevitable. Mexico is practically on our doorstep and it’s been a few years since we made it down there. And so ARRIBA!!! Off to Mexico we go.

But first, a wee weekend jaunt in Newport Beach along the way. Just enough for a breezy hike in Crystal Cove State Park, a picnic meet up with one of Darren’s work colleagues, a run/bike ride round Back Bay – stunning with spring flowers, and the must-do bone marrow and pizza at Mozza. Newport Beach, done!

The Mexican border was a breeze, no queue to get in, no strip search, no check for blueberries. We didn’t even have to show our passports. Yes, I’m acutely aware this is going INTO Mexico and it won’t be quite the same getting back into the US, but still, I’ll take it for now.

Our first stop – an airbnb in Playas de Tijuana, just a hop, skip and a jump into Mexico. From where we could work and play for the week. It might not be the most upscale of towns but the ocean views right from our doorstep could not be beat. It was quite distracting seeing dolphins frolicking past while we were on work calls.

That’s us sorted for the week – the white building with the big windows and the long balcony
A wider angle view. Good job we didn’t take the next door option
Indoors it was quite palatial, sooo light and bright with the sun streaming in those windows
Darren’s desk set up for the working week
And mine. With me, hard at it!

The pre-Trump border wall is an ever present reminder that even though you can see San Diego right there, the American dream is to some, just that.

San Diego in the distance, on ‘the other side’
Probably not the most pin-point accurate of signs, but directionally about right
And there goes the wall, stretching into the ocean
Look closely… the cheeky blighters don’t stop trying! Check out the camouflaged makeshift ladder!

One of my favorite things the whole week was being able to step out from the Airbnb before work, and run along the hard-packed sand of the Playas de Tijuana.

In my element
So peaceful at that time in the morning.
And comforting to see the cruise ships on the horizon.
And when I was too lazy to run, there was a pretty boardwalk to stroll along, lined with colorful heart art

At the other end of the day, we reveled in the awesome sunsets from the comfort of our balcony.

Going, going, gone

The balcony sunsets really gave us that holiday vibe, way to end the working day! We also checked out a couple of other establishments in the local vicinity… margaritas and tacos going a long way to cement that feeling of experiencing a different culture.

I can reliably inform you that tamarind margarita is an acquired taste.
Darren took the safer option of a Mexican beer.
Another sunset option – Norte Brewing Company was located on top of a multistory car park, with floor to ceiling views of downtown Tijuana
Delicious lobster of insane proportions, drizzled with melted butter
Just a mini ‘lobster chica’ for me
A shot of tequila delivered with flair. Not to mention a range of citrus options and two different types of rock salt. I do believe we’re in Mexico!