We’ve all been here before… well, at least Darren and I have. In fact, since we fell in love with Frisco, Colorado in the deep Covid summer of 2020, this is our third summer and fourth trip here, bringing us to a total of eight weeks.

Just a short summer jaunt to Colorado this time, starting off with a weekend road-tripping via the outskirts of Bryce Canyon. But hang on a minute, you can’t get to Colorado from Santa Clarita without passing through Las Vegas!

We left home on a Saturday morning arriving in Sin City by lunchtime. Parteee? Unfortunately not – we couldn’t afford to lose the rest of the weekend to the Vegas curse, we had a road trip calling us. So we stopped for lunch instead – at one of those sushi places with a revolving conveyer belt. Naff or fun? Take your pick. Novel for us at least.

With a thousand mile weekend road trip, it’s best to not get too carried away by diversions. Bryce Canyon national park is a little off the beaten track so while we didn’t quite make it there, we boondocked on the outskirts.

Parked up amongst the hoodoos
Just us and some cows and a whole lot of nice scenery
Leaving just a little time for a run first thing Sunday morning… and then, well a whole lot more driving
Road trip!!!
…arriving in Frisco in time to get the bbq out and take a little sunset stroll by the lake
Bright and early the next morning, I lost myself in a pool of sky
Reminded myself why we love it so here; I could simply never tire of that view.
Darren made the most of his cheeky day off and took himself off up Mount Royal
From the top… Darren helpfully pointing out his next destination – the brewery
Sure enough, from Outer Range brewing “I was there”
Back to the incognito Basecamp for evening beers and grilling. And repeat. For pretty much two weeks. Yes really. Pre-work morning hike, bike or run. Work (with the odd breakfast burrito, smash burger or afogato to liven things up). Post-work beers and bbq. Repeat. When it comes to groundhog days, I think there’s worse routines to have.
Mixed things up a bit one night with a little trip out on the lake in Aaron’s boat
Am officially sacked as official photographer. Literally one photo from before we were on the boat. And just this as we were leaving. Suffice to say – good food, drink and company. And stayed up way past my bedtime!
But it’s not all gorgeous blue skies and refreshing mountain air. Sometimes it rains just to give you an excuse to be lazy and cozy up in the BaseCamp with your kindle and a hot chocolate.
Normal service is resumed.
Darren’s morning commute to the office.
Meanwhile I coordinated my hiking outfit with our dinner

We’ve gotten a tad lazy over the last couple of Covid years. Yes, I know I bang on on here about recreational activities, hyping up the hiking and biking. But really that’s just an excuse to get out there and enjoy it. To immerse ourselves in the outdoors. To get to know a place more intimately by exploring on foot. And of course to get some pics!

Time to redress the balance with an event. If only to top up my medal display at home, which hasn’t had a look in for four years. As luck would have it, the Slackers half marathon was just up the road from Frisco in Georgetown, and just at the right time for me to be able to take part.

Slackers is the highest downhill half marathon in the US, starting around 10,500 feet, with a quad-crushing 2,000+ feet drop in elevation. I love that you can run 13.1 miles (don’t forget the .1, never forget the .1!) and still be called a Slacker.

The en-route view
Actually, it’s quite fun this running lark.
Officially a Slacker!