
Heather and Darren's Travels

Category: 2022 Mini California Road Trip

Mount Shasta

Continuing north from Chico, we spent a week among the lakes and mountains of Mount Shasta in northern California. I don’t have an awful lot to say about Mount Shasta – we didn’t party the night away or see any Fields of Light, or visit any wineries. But we did enjoy plenty of the Great Outdoors.

But first, a bike ride and trail run along the way.

Darren got busy posing his bike for pics
Best I could do on my run, no red shiny objects for scale or composition
Quick lunch stop with a view
…And on to our Harvest Host for the night – Mount Shasta brewing in the city of Weed. A city consisting of a brewery and a Weed-themed nik-nak/t-shirt shop.
And there you have it… the mountain namesake for the town
Flanked by Mount Eddy on the other side
Wait for me!
Nice wooded camping spot – and with not too much in the way of must visit eating/drinking establishments, the bbq made a regular evening appearance
Quiet roads for an early morning run
Quiet train tracks too
Hmm, I’ll do anything for good pizza but that seems a bit much
An awesome morning walk up Spring Hill, with views over to Black Butte
That bench looks like it’s got my name on it
And there you have it – Mount Shasta
Blink and you’ll miss it. For that, Ladies and Gentlemen, was Mount Shasta


The only reason I’ve heard of Chico, California is because I read it on the side of a beer can. A Sierra Nevada beer can no less. So when we were looking for our next stop (usual criteria: co-working office, campsite, brewery), we dropped a pin on Chico. And while it IS home to Sierra Nevada brewing, it’s hardly smack bang in the middle of the Sierras. I guess maybe the northern foothills.

Oops, only pic we got from Sierra Nevada brewing. We did get some good beers though AND a tin tacker sign. So maybe one day when we’re home long enough to put the signs up, you’ll see a SN one.

It started out kinda stormy in Chico. Which was actually cool because we don’t get a lot of those big beefy storm clouds back in SoCal. As long as it’s not actually raining on me, I don’t mind a bit of storm cloud and thunder drama.

Started off not too bad
Yup, definitely raining over there
Not quick enough to capture the lightning on my iPhone but thunder and lightning o’er yonder
Time to get out of here

What with that weather, it felt a bit like we were back in the UK. So we embraced the experience by going to a British pub. Which was actually rather nice. We enjoyed our scotch egg with brown sauce, Cornish pasty and a pint of bitter. I don’t want to sound picky but… But! I did have a few thoughts…

1. You couldn’t stand at the bar. You did have to go up to the bar to order but there was nowhere to hang around and drink – off to your table you go.

2. ‘The Bull’ pasty nailed it (chunks of beef, carrot, potato and onion cooked in a rich British Bulldog Brewery ale gravy). Still trying to imagine it being served ‘with a small house salad’ in England.

3. Woe betide the gastro-publican who makes a pie with ground beef and calls it ‘The Shepherd’. Have they no concept of what a shepherd is or does?

4. You risk getting ID’d for the ‘Drunken Duck’ English trifle pud, as it included almond poppyseed sponge soaked in sherry and was strictly 21+.

Carrying on the British theme back in the BaseCamp. Actually we have a US cushion too, it’s probably propping me up in this picture.
The BaseCamp all cosy nestled in the trees. Monster behemoth RVs either side but the sites were spacious and we can hold our own amongst the big boys.

Of course, work is a constant in our lives and a productive working environment is important. Coffee helps. And almond croissants. Not to mention avocado toast. Yes, Stoble Workplace, which was attached to Stoble Coffee in downtown Chico quickly became my favorite office of the trip.

Stobl coffee shop and workplace entrance
So many different spaces to work from. Including a roof garden. Doh, no pictures of the roof garden or even more importantly the almond croissants.

As the week wore on, the weather took a turn for the better. Not just sunnier, it got hot hot hot 🥵 Not so great timing for my half marathon long training run but I do love that having to train gets me out there experiencing more of a place on foot than I ever would otherwise.

And when we couldn’t be bothered to run or walk in the morning, there’s always the children’s play park 😊

We rounded off our Chico visit by driving up to Paradise Lake for a walk. The name Paradise rung a bell and as we drove along the Skyway highway, we remembered why. In 2018, the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California’s history devastated much of the town of Paradise and surrounding areas, causing 85 deaths and many more injuries. From what we could see from the Skyway, much of the town had been re-built, although there were patches of vacated ground zero land.

The surrounding mountains were also in recovery mode from the Camp Fire (ironically not from a campfire but a faulty power line), colonized by fireweed and lupines, the slate grey spindles all that remained for now of the tree trunks and the forest that was.

The hike around Paradise lake was serenely beautiful but hot hot hot.

Those reflections!
Ooh did you ever see so many ladybirds? And this was just one patch of many.

And there’s nothing like a cool dip in the pool after a hot hike in the sun. While the campsite was somewhat resort-like, that came with the added attraction of a swimming pool.

…And… relax!!!

Well deserved I feel. The pool and the beer.

Working in the Winelands

From the lesser known wine region of Paso Robles, we traveled north past the golden gates of San Francisco to the somewhat better known (and indeed more pricey) wine region of Napa. We based ourselves near Healdsburg in the Sonoma valley for the week, our 20 minute morning/evening commute taking us along winding country lanes past pretty vineyards.

The commute also took us past Riverside park which had the perfect-sized lake to get two laps in before work. Running that is, not swimming.

Personally, I preferred my solar powered run on the bright sunny day to the moody overcast one

Every co-working space is a little bit different and they’re certainly getting much busier this year compared to deep covid. CraftWork in Healdsburg rather excelled itself with its pricing structure, it ended up costing over $500 for the week for the two of us. (I’m literally searching for a shock horror gob-smacked emoji).

The other oddity about this place was that I couldn’t find the microwave. I searched high and low, thinking it must be hidden in some random cupboard. I literally turned the kitchen upside down, flinging open doors and drawers – must be a cryptic game of hide and seek for the newbies. Kettle – tick; toaster – tick; plates, bowls & cutlery – tick; even a dishwasher. Surely there must be a microwave? 🤔 But nope.

Fair enough, it was a nice contemporary professional space to work in and they had really good coffee. You didn’t have to smell the milk or check the date before putting it in your coffee, nor did you have to make it yourself. And they had free snacks galore – tangerines, trail mix, breakfast bars, nutrition bars, popcorn and chocolate. And yes indeed, we did attempt to eat our body weight in snacks to get our money’s worth!

The campsite we were staying at in nearby Forestville was also a little, shall we say quirky. We were in a spacious, secluded site nestled among pine trees by a river. Barely another soul around, just the odd fellow traveler came and went during the week. Meanwhile, at the other end of the campground, there were the residents. These trailers were going nowhere – they were practically fenced in by the inordinate amount of firewood they’d obtained. And there was some rather odd decor, including a life size skeleton, that made you really not want to hang around.

In the middle between the two areas was the restroom and shower block. One of those unheated buildings where you wouldn’t want to spend a single minute longer than you had to. And yet, they felt the need to post a whole host of rules on the entrance, including No Co-Ed showers. Think they’re pretty safe with me on that one. And No Food. Damn, that put paid to eating my breakfast in the toilets.

Practically got the place to ourselves
The Russian River flowed right past the camp
A great spot for a campfire
And a good opportunity to get the bbq out

Not forgetting we’re in wine country, so we did make it out to a winery. And a brewery. Oh and a rooftop bar.

The winery: Russian River
(might want to think about re-marketing itself)
The brewery: Cuver Brewing in Windsor
And the rooftop bar in Healdsburg: literally called The Rooftop Bar
I was quite taken by the hand-painted decor on the walls leading up to the rooftop bar, some of which was still in progress

Weekends in the winelands are perfect for cycling. So that’s what we did. The End.

Share the road AND the love ❤️
And as we all know, every good bike ride should include a wine stop. Preferably towards the end of the ride. This one did the trick – Landmark winery.
We weren’t exactly in a rush to move on
The following day’s ride
If you say so
Now there’s an idea… maybe we should take the Napa Valley Wine Train next time
The other thing no good bike ride should be without – is pizza! This one at North Block in Yountville was a breakfast pizza with duck sausage.
Which unfortunately was not a patch on the ‘best pizza in the world ever’ that we had at Ciccio las time we were in Yountville. This time, Ciccio was closed and so this picture has no relevance whatsoever except that I couldn’t resist the gratuitous pizza porn. And the memory.

If You Build It, They Will Come…

Leaving the salty sea air behind us, we set our sights on the central SLO Cal town of San Luis Obispo. Again, short notice availability got the better of us and we split our week between SLO and the nearby winelands of Paso Robles.

But I’m getting ahead of myself – along the way we spent the night at a Harvest Host winery, Dark Star Cellars. The chickens scratching around our feet kept us company as we worked our way through a wine tasting. The afternoon drew on and before we knew it, we had the place to ourselves. Well, us and the chickens. A delightfully warm and pleasant evening sipping wine amongst the vines.

San Luis Obispo was light on recreational activities but we had the most awesome Hipcamp camping spot.

Not a bad view to wake up to in a morning

Back in Paso and no more excuses. I got my running legs on and pootled along the winding country lanes, those adorable slopes of converging vine lines whichever way I looked.

Now that Covid restrictions are in the rear view mirror, we treated ourselves to a night out in Paso Robles. I have been known to get quite excited about good pizza. And this indeed was good pizza.

Come the weekend and Darren suggested we escape the heat in favor of a coastal walk. I wasn’t exactly convinced about escaping the heat – it was forecast to be 82 Fahrenheit (28 Celsius, easiest conversion to remember ever), which happens to be my absolute perfect temperature. Albeit perfect for hanging out, rather than perfect for hiking. I begrudgingly agreed, as the rugged yet beautiful Montana de Oro state park was only an hour or so’s drive away and promised some cool hiking opportunities.

So there’s cool and there’s cooler. Would you believe it, as we neared the coast, the temperature dropped from the low 80s to the high 50s and in rolled the fog. Boom! Our plan of hiking up Valencia Peak was a non-starter, lost in the clouds. Ever versatile, we ditched the mountain hike in favor of a bluffs walk.

Ya know, this coast is so moody and mysterious, it’s way better to experience it in the clouds. Blue sky’s overrated.

I made Darren take me to a winery on the way back to make up for it. One in the sun and in the 80s. I’ll take it.

But my absolute favorite thing about Paso (ok the Della pizza was close but this was more unique) was the Sensorio Field of Light experience. We’d heard it was optimal to arrive before sunset, but we didn’t know quite what to expect. “If you build it, they will come”. Oh no hang on a minute, that’s Field of Dreams not Field of Light. But sure enough the people came.

The first thing we saw through the throng of people was an airstream bar – made us feel right at home. We got a couple of (plastic) glasses of wine and made our way past the open fire pit tables and live music.

To this…

Yes – a gorgeous sunset and striking tree silhouettes. But in the foreground, the slopes were awash with a sea of white. A closer look revealed they were as yet unlit lights – bright white iridescent globes on stalks, like alien wildflowers.

And as sunset turned to dusk, the lights started to take on a life of their own.

And then we realized we didn’t just have to stand in the same spot to view the awesomeness. We could stroll on the trails that meandered their way through the Field of Lights. A walk that took us through 15 acres of illuminated hillsides, lit with 60,000 solar powered fiber-optic lights. We got a top up from the airstream bar and immersed ourselves.

They also had a new exhibit for 2022, the Light Towers. In deference to the hundreds of wineries in the Paso area, the Light Towers celebrate not with alien wildflowers but with wine bottles. Over 17,000 of them.

Sometimes I object to people photobombing but I think they work quite well here for scale
So abstract. So pretty.

So there you have it. Lots of photos because I just can’t help myself. But quite honestly this is less about viewing art than feeling art. I was blown away by this exhibition and would recommend it to anyone remotely in the area. And we weren’t even VIP.

Very Important Person – Not
Very Impressed & (bit) Pissed – Maybe

Road Trip 5, Keeping It Local

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There are few better places to be in the Spring than California. We tend to get blue skies and warm (but not too hot) weather. The days are getting longer and the wildflowers are out in force.

The return to the office is still optional and quite frankly those in-office days have been few and far between. No real need to stick around for that then. And the feisty Basecamp was raring to go after five months of chilling out in the back garden. It gave us a look every time we went out in the garden “C’mon then, what are we waiting for? Let’s get out there and enjoy it!”

With a resolution to stay closer to home than last time (that Alaska trip kinda took it out of us), we decided to check out the coast practically on our doorstep, starting off with a week camping in Carpinteria and working in Santa Barbara. Oh and not forgetting Ventura, because our last minute plans meant we couldn’t get a camping spot for the full week. Literally last minute, as in we only thought about this trip on a Friday evening and by Sunday morning, we were packed up and on our way to the beach.

So bring on week one!

Hey Darren, wait for me!
Morning runs, walks and bike rides took us along the bluffs, right from the campsite at Carpinteria
Tough to run when all I wanted to do was stop and smell the roses. Metaphorically.
A great view down to the Carpinteria seal sanctuary. Although the pelicans seem to have claimed the beach as their own.
One particular bonus of west coast life – when the sun goes down, it sinks into the ocean. And somehow, that never gets old.
Beyond the sunset, one of the main attractions in small town Carp is the legendary Island Brewing
What it says 👆
Moving on to Ventura, it was more of the same 🙂
Sea air, palm trees and wildflowers.
Of course in amongst the recreational indulgences comes the work.
The Ventura co-working office worked out nicely.
The Waypoint campsite in Ventura was way too cool for school. It’s mainly onsite remodeled retro campers, with a few spaces for drop-ins, like us.
Cool fire pit though. And they do free s’mores.
I spy a ship in the distance, that reminds me… I need to work onboard a ship for the day at the weekend. Not this one though, this is a Princess ship.
Ah, that’s the one. Holland America Line’s Zuiderdam. A milestone indeed, first time onboard one of our ships in over two years!
And the tender ride to/from the ship wasn’t bad either. It included a free seal-watching tour.
Meanwhile, Darren had all the time in the world to enjoy himself paddleboarding and cycling along the awesome coastal bike path.
Even roped in our good friends Lisa and Paul for a paddle

And with that, it was time to turn our sights inland once again. Next up: San Luis Obispo.

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