That feeling of anticipation you get right at the beginning of your holiday. Counting down the sleeps until Today’s the Day, dreaming of places you’ve never even heard of. Like when you first went abroad, eyes wide at the thought of flying, amazed that the huge cumbersome steel monstrosity that defied gravity could actually take off. Or when you were six years old on Christmas Eve, putting a glass of sherry and some mince pies out, along with carrots for the reindeer.   

Combine that with the sense of relief you get after an intensive few weeks at work and I was So Ready. 

I breezed through security at Seattle airport, not even a brusque pat down, stocked up with lush handmade Seattle chocolate bars and walked out to the teeny tiny plane. The type with propellers – post world war two but not quite 21st century.

Nevertheless, I was very pleasantly surprised to find complimentary beer and wine on offer during the Alaska airlines flight. 

For everyone, not just the posh people at the front. Admittedly, there was barely enough time to down the one drink, so no one was going to be taking advantage. But in this world of mark ups and add on revenue, I found it quite refreshing.  

Touch down in Missoula, Montana, and Officially On Holiday!

Goodbye Seattle, Hello Missoula