The fridge in the Basecamp is quite small actually. Does just fine for a long weekend camping. Not so fine for a three month adventure.

To be fair, before we set off there was a bit of negotiation going on. Me: the fridge is tiny, I need it for food. D: the fridge may be tiny but we need it for beer. We compromised by taking our cool box along in the truck. One of those cheapskate supermarket coolers perfect for an afternoon bbq or picnic by the river. After a few days of rapidly melting ice, we realized it wasn’t quite going to cut it for multi-day beer cooling.

The old crappy cool box
A trip to Walmart soon revealed we weren’t
going to find anything better there

Bring on the Yeti!!! Our online research led us to believe that the Yeti was the only way to go. But now we were on the road, it’s not so easy to order from Amazon and have it delivered Prime to your home. (Not much use delivering it in California when we needed it here and now). And most home decor stores that would sell this sort of thing only had advance orders with curbside pickup.

Long story short, we did a pickup from a store in Fort Collins, Colorado a few days later. For the uninitiated, Yeti does a range of coolers that outperform most others on the market. As with a new car, the color is the most important thing. And we scored the last remaining “sea green” Yeti 45 Tundra. It’s done us proud throughout the trip, here is our new pride and joy:

It’s not really the same size as the BaseCamp
Action shot of the emptying process