Continuing north from Chico, we spent a week among the lakes and mountains of Mount Shasta in northern California. I don’t have an awful lot to say about Mount Shasta – we didn’t party the night away or see any Fields of Light, or visit any wineries. But we did enjoy plenty of the Great Outdoors.

But first, a bike ride and trail run along the way.

Darren got busy posing his bike for pics
Best I could do on my run, no red shiny objects for scale or composition
Quick lunch stop with a view
…And on to our Harvest Host for the night – Mount Shasta brewing in the city of Weed. A city consisting of a brewery and a Weed-themed nik-nak/t-shirt shop.
And there you have it… the mountain namesake for the town
Flanked by Mount Eddy on the other side
Wait for me!
Nice wooded camping spot – and with not too much in the way of must visit eating/drinking establishments, the bbq made a regular evening appearance
Quiet roads for an early morning run
Quiet train tracks too
Hmm, I’ll do anything for good pizza but that seems a bit much
An awesome morning walk up Spring Hill, with views over to Black Butte
That bench looks like it’s got my name on it
And there you have it – Mount Shasta
Blink and you’ll miss it. For that, Ladies and Gentlemen, was Mount Shasta