You might wonder what on earth I can find to write about a place we’ve visited so many times before.  Frankly I’m wondering the same… it might be mostly photos!  

One of the journey for starters… an overnight in Vegas made for a nice sunrise view

As a reminder, Frisco is where it all started.  Back in the deep dark Covid days of Summer 2020 – our first experience working remotely at a co-working office together and our first three month road trip.  Fast-forward to 2023 and this will be trip #5 to Frisco!

Given we’re staying in one place for a month this time instead of traveling around, we opted for the more permanent Airbnb option, sans-BaseCamp.  (Sorry BaseCamp!). Our previous Frisco trips had us camping at Peak One & Pine Cove campgrounds, right on the reservoir peninsular – outdoor living with picture postcard views.  So we weren’t about to slum it in a back of beyond apartment – a lake/reservoir view was number one on our list of requirements.  Space, we could compromise on (and we did), but not the view.  And so it was we ended up in Dillon, the next town over to Frisco.  And this was the view from our balcony.

Happy with that!

Funnily enough, we spent a fair amount of time on our balcony.

The result… bbq salmon in a wrap with mango salsa, arugula (rocket), creme fraiche and spicy jalapenos
Chorizo watermelon salad
Mmm, my favorite, courtesy of our recent UK trip
The apartment from the outside
Mountain weather in July. Beats people watching.
Not just rain, this one was a hail storm!
Time to skip the bbq on the balcony and rustle up a steaming bowl of chilli instead

We arrived in Colorado just in time to celebrate my birthday 🙂 

As luck would have it, there happened to be a beer festival on in nearby Breckenridge.  There was me in a ‘boot’, having had my foot diagnosed with a stress fracture, and there was this great (and free!) bus triangle, which came almost but not quite close enough to our place for me to hobble there.  Turns out everyone’s having far too much fun out hiking, biking, paddle boarding and the like to think that driving for Uber is a good thing to do on a weekend.  Which made logistics a bit of a challenge.

Where there’s a will there’s a way – we made it!
Colorado beer and a pretzel necklace, happy birthday to me 🙂

Whilst Dillon was our weekend and evening base, it was back to Frisco for work.  We were welcomed back to EVO3 – the co-working office, like old friends by Aaron, the owner. Constant reminders of the outdoors and beer on tap.  What’s not to love.

Just because I had a dodgy foot, there was no reason for Darren to miss out on his morning outdoor fun and games, so he squeezed in a few cool bike rides before work.  

Me?  I enjoyed a lazy few weeks where my mornings consisted of a bit of lie in (like normal people?) before starting work at 8am.  And the odd scenic morning wander.

Sapphire Point Overlook
The name of the local sweet shoppe was quite fitting

But my invalid state didn’t stop us getting out and about for a few scenic drives… 

The imaginatively named peaks surrounding this area start at Peak 1 just behind Mount Royal and Mount Victoria in Frisco.   Up they go towards Breckenridge, Peak 2, Peak 3… etc. We did a 4X4 scenic drive in the truck up the Peak 9 road from Breckenridge up high into what is prime ski country in the winter.  

And we finished up with awesome Vietnamese pho back in Breck

There’s something quite cool about going over the Continental Divide.  And we hadn’t been able to attempt Independence Pass with the BaseCamp, no trailers allowed on windy mountain hairpin roads (and for good reason!).

At The Stew Pot in Snowmass – this home made spicy lentil & sausage soup was one of my absolute favorite meals of the trip

One thing I’m very much not impeded from doing is a boat ride.  I can sit on Aaron’s boat chilling out with a cocktail, as he obligingly tours us around Dillon reservoir, as well as I ever could.  Every time is different and it’s the weather challenges that kick the level of adventure up a notch.

Aaron at the helm
The calm before the storm, flat as a mill pond
Enjoying the ride(s)!
The one that turned into a torrential downpour

No boat ride is complete without a little trip to the Tiki Bar, a very low key container bar at Dillon marina that punches above its weight in awesome cocktails. It also happens to be our local.

And then there’s our other favorite haunt. Outer Reach Brewery in Frisco has a mountain view that you never tire of, a wide range of IPAs to choose from, and a thai franchise that specializes in the most delicious fried chicken. Just go easy on ’the bird’ sauce or it will blow your head off.

Not forgetting Prosit, if you’re a fan of German beer and sausages. Which we are!

Sausage sampler
Prost! Celebrating with some of my Colorado-based teammates from work, what a great opportunity to get together
Oh and there we are back on the boat again

We were surrounded by the outdoors – bombarded with stunning lakeside views and breathing the fresh clear mountain air. And so I have to admit to being a tad frustrated at the no hiking/ no running rule. Bring on my savior – the electric bike!

You could say things escalated pretty quickly. I believe it was Darren’s suggestion initially for me to rent an electric bike one afternoon. With no intention or expectation that this would lead to me buying one. But I was sold that quickly. As I felt the wind rush past me, the speed gave me a sense of freedom that had been somewhat lacking the last few weeks. I was finally able to appreciate the Colorado I know and love.

And so by the following weekend I had my very own Specialized Como Class 1 e-bike, complete with Integrated Gear Hub. Without getting too technical, this means the gears feel like they’re on a smooth sliding scale, no annoying clicking or clunking or dropping of the chain.

Como, my Como, you have given me a new lease of life. I didn’t think I could love a bike more than my California beach cruiser, but I was wrong. I guess there’s a time and a place.

So come on then Colorado – let’s be having ya!

My new prized possession
My morning commute to work across the Dillon Dam…
… and over the boardwalk skirting the marina. 6 or 7 miles each way, with bike path the entire way
A longer weekend adventure on the Rio Grande trail
Up to the very scenic Maroon Bells
Told you, very scenic. Nice rainbow thing going on too.
Officially in moose country