We knew that Seabourn was ‘the luxury brand’. We maybe weren’t fully au fait with exactly what that involved. In case you weren’t either, allow me to let you in on some of Seabourn’s moments…

– We must seriously stink. There can be no other reason for offering us so much soap. For in addition to the standard toiletries that you get in hotels far and wide (albeit this is top class Molton Brown stuff), we were treated to a range of soaps far beyond what you could possibly yearn for during a two week cruise. I sniffed them warily and chose the nicest smelling one, expecting the others to be removed for future offerings. Surprisingly enough, the ‘rejected’ soaps were also left in our cabin, should our preferences change over the next fortnight. Anyone for soap?

– The personal touch. On our very first morning at breakfast, we were greeted with a very friendly “Good morning Mr & Mrs Hamilton”. I responded with a brief but enthusiastic “Morning!” wondering how on earth the waitress knew who we were. Darren patiently explained this was the very same waitress who had served us the night before – I just didn’t recognize her because I didn’t remember her. Which leads me to my next point…

– Drinks included. Dangerous indeed, especially for The Hamiltons (it’s 5 o’clock somewhere…). At least this time around the bar bill won’t cost more than the cruise. Seriously though, the champagne is flowing, we’re running out of new cocktail options to try, and the acceptable time of day to start drinking seems to get earlier by the day. These guys take their cocktail mixing seriously too, some damn good cocktails.

– Red carpet treatment. Not just caviar and champagne wherever and whenever you want it, but a real red carpet. Rolled out for special events on the top deck, the Christmas day brunch, and even along the pier when you step ashore. They know how to make you feel like a film star! The smartly dressed waiters also had the ability to magically appear from nowhere as you were leaving the buffet, in order to… wait for it… carry your plate to the dining table for you. I really am not quite sure how I’ll cope back in the normal world!

– The food. Best food we’ve had on a cruise ship full stop. Mouthwatering juicy burgers grilled to order on deck (great for hangovers, along with that Bloody Mary!); fresh fish delicately complemented by fresh herbs (or deep fried in a light crispy beer batter with a nod to the Brits); an amazing beach bar-b-q with grilled lobster, oozing with butter and lemon juice; extravagant multi-course banquets for formal nights; an epicurean evening where they set up canapé stalls on deck, served by officers and crew; caviar coming out of your ears; oh, and tiny pain au chocolat and other pastries with coffee (if you need something to ‘put you on’ between meals). And then they throw in Thomas Keller – he of the French Laundry fame.

And would you believe it. Somehow, we seem to barely have a picture of any food we had onboard whatsoever?!? So here instead, is a picture of the yummy coconut custard tarts we made during our cookery day on St Lucia.