Prepare yourself for a lot of pictures of yellow leaves. That’s what we went to Colorado in autumn for, and that’s what we got. So that’s what you get too :-). As the Lightning Seeds would say “oh Lucky You”.

Gotta first just give a shout out to being back in Frisco. Feels almost like a second home. Nice to be back.

Walking through the residential streets of Frisco, I couldn’t quite banish the Lloyd Grossman voice in my head… “Who lives in a house like this?”
Very envious.
There’s the Basecamp tucked down there at the campsite.
Not such a bad place to ‘live’ either.
And the BC parked up for the day, close to EVO3 the co-working space
(grey building a block behind the BC)

Our campsite gave us some of the best views over the Dillon reservoir towards Frisco. Being back on the mountain time zone meant our work start time was reverted to 9am, so we could appreciate the nature around us before heading into the office.

Pre-work morning walks at this time of year means early doors
… and chilly mornings
Remind me again why we thought it was a good idea to come here?
Couldn’t resist the symmetry here. Top photo is from when we were here in the summer. Bottom is my attempt to take the same again. Too early in the day to be able to get the foreground in the sun but I think you get the picture.
Downtown Frisco over yonder

I just couldn’t wait to get into the midst of trees to be within and amongst the golden loveliness, rather than viewing from afar.

The bike path in Frisco
This is Frisco.

I don’t recall getting quite so excited about seeing trees change color when we lived in the UK. But the more you become accustomed to the gradual merging of seasons in the Santa Clarita Valley, the more you appreciate the stark diversity of a waning summer and a waxing autumn when you get to see it in person. The beauty of nature becomes all the more wondrous as you realize you have less time to appreciate it!

Pennies from heaven!

That said, my oohs and ahh’s were far exceeding Darren’s and he was becoming impatient with our inability to make any progress on our walks without me stopping incessantly to take pictures. I eventually realized the difference between what he thought was awesome and I thought was ‘out of this world absolute best thing I’ve ever seen’: Magic Glasses. Yes really.

So I’d recently acquired a new pair of prescription sunglasses, and on a whim I’d switched from a grey/black tint to a brown/yellow one. Amazing as the autumn leaves are, when you put the Magic Glasses on, it introduces a whole new dimension.

‘Before’. Nice trees.
Bring on the Magic Glasses.
Welcome to my gold-tinted world 🙂

Rest assured, more trees to come. But our two weeks in Frisco was more, much more than that. For starters, there were breweries and there were sausages.

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And then there was the time spent on our new found friend’s boat. We were generously invited to join him for a soirée on the Dillon reservoir. Complete with awesome views, a real good vibe, and meat and cheese. Which I woefully neglected to get a picture of but rest assured was good.

Off we go!
Bit windy, but nothing my woolly hat can’t handle
Out came the sun and off came a layer.
Not the woolly hat though, that stayed put.
Moored up to enjoy sundowner cocktails and beer (that’s us on the left). Wondering what happened to the first Unsinkable that they had to have a second one.

We loved the boat experience so much, we went back again the next day. Unfortunately, the wind had other ideas. So much so that we just hung out in the marina. Hard life.

Blue sky is deceiving. Wind was vicious.
Bobble on the hat provided extra heat.
Get to it boys, batten down the hatches. Thanks!
Our view without moving an inch from the dock. I’ll take it.
Found a bottle of wine on the boat :-).
Did NOT find a bottle opener on the boat 🙁
Bring on Aaron’s shoe bottle opening skills, job done.

Back to trees. I’m gonna put it out there: my favorite tree is the Aspen. Can you even have a favorite tree? (surely only as weird as a favorite color and most people have one of those?). In Summer, aspens are resplendent with bright green spade shaped leaves. They don’t have long to blow their trumpets so they’ve worked out a way to wave their leaves on their branches like a coquettish Jessica Rabbit fluttering her eyelashes. “Look at me, look at me”.

Throwback to the emerald majesty of summer
I mean, how can you not fall in love with this?
Even the trunks are so pretty

It’s when the air turns crisp, the days become short, and pumpkin spice appears in everything from lattes to cream cheese that the aspens really come into their own. With the chance to experience this phenomenon first hand (complete with Magic Glasses), I was like a kid in a sweet shop. As I googled “best fall colors” I realized there’s even an official term for my new obsession: Leaf-peeping! So leaf-peep we did.

But it’s a fine line when it comes to timing for the best leaf-peeping. While the trees lining the residential streets of Frisco were still turning from green to yellow to gold, the clusters at higher elevations were already starting to look bare, their coats of many colors lying discarded on the forest floor. Well you know what that means… time to move on.

And yet, still resplendent.
And still my favorite tree.