Versatility. That’s the name of the game. There we were thinking a luxury cruise through the scenic fjords of Norway sounds nice. And then along came 2020. Flying to Norway not happening. Luxury cruise not happening. Time for Plan B.

We’ve not had much use out of the Airstream Basecamp in a while. Two week road trip it is then, in our self-contained corona-free haven. Versatile, you see! With still a lot of uncertainty in the US around what might be open, it seemed that National Parks and campgrounds were planning to open in June. What more do we need (well… obviously a few breweries would be nice, but we can play that one by ear).

In planning our route to Colorado, we realized 1,000 miles is a long way to travel before you even start your vacation, hence the idea of going a week early and working remotely (how different can working from home be from working from somewhere else that isn’t home?). And if you’re gonna tag on a week at the beginning, why not tag on a week at the end.

I’m in the very fortunate situation of still being employed. And just as our trip was approaching, along came an announcement that remote working was doing just fine for now, and we wouldn’t be back in the office until September. Wait, what? You could almost hear the cogs in my head turning. Provided we could work on the road, our 2 week vacation which had morphed into a 4 week trip could now be a 3 month adventure. Carpe Diem! Bring. It. On.

And then back to that question of what more do you need. We figured having the option to bike to work was a good idea. My hybrid road bike wasn’t gonna cut it and my beach cruiser, much as I love it, well those handlebars would no way fit in the truck. And not too many beaches in Colorado. So with just 3 days to go, we scoured the local ads for a second hand mountain bike for me. Found one, tried it out, nice and bouncy, job done – delivered the day before we were due to leave. Nothing like last minute plans.

Oh, and one more thing. I downloaded the One Second Everyday app so I can do a little video of our adventure. Hold that thought.

So while we’re on the road now already, it’s still early days in terms of planning. First week is in Frisco, Colorado, followed by 2 weeks vacation touring Colorado. Back to Frisco for a week and then who knows. Thinking north through Wyoming and Idaho, maybe Oregon and then back down through California. But we’ll see. Versatility is the name of the game.

In the meantime, here’s a few pics from the weekend road trip to get to Frisco, Colorado.

We like to mix up our camping options. First night was at a casino car park in VEGAS
Second night after a l-o-n-g day on the road, having passed through Nevada, Arizona and Utah, was at a truck stop in Fruita, Colorado
Even the dinosaurs wear masks in Fruita
Make the most of the mountain biking pictures – there may not be many more. A converted mountain biker I am not.
Here I am taking my bike for a walk again
I earned that wine tasting