We know that not everyone who reads the blog believes we really do work as well as travel, so here are some pics of the week that I spent in Auckland and Christchurch. The plan was to have a week working in NZ before starting my 5 week ‘recharge’ break from work.

My Auckland plans had to be reworked at the last minute as mentioned in the previous blog regarding the extended Honolulu layover. This meant my Auckland hotel wasn’t as fancy as the airbnb that Heather was due to be staying in when she came out. But I did at least get a peek-a-boo view of the Auckland waterfront, so no complaints.

Whilst Auckland is 21 hours ahead of US pacific hours, it is also -3 hours (+1 day) so it wasn’t too bad to join meetings and get the job done for the week. That said, I was pretty sure when Heather flew out in a few weeks time to do the same ‘1 week pre-holiday work week’, that she would have something to say about the time difference!

After a couple of days in Auckland, it was time to hop on down to the South Island to Christchurch. Whilst the weather hadn’t exactly been awesome in Auckland, it took a turn for the worse when I landed in Christchurch. I was starting to have second thoughts about how clever my decision was to switch a SoCal winter for a New Zealand summer!

My temporary office in Christchurch was a nice enough little airbnb and luckily the weather improved the next day and I was able to make the most of the little garden that the city center apartment had.

New cities of course mean new dining options to explore and new beers to try.

Talking of food options, Heather was a little concerned that she didn’t know what the crisps would be like in New Zealand, and if they would be an improvement on the options available in the US. I sent her some snaps from the supermarket to reassure her she would be OK during her solo week in Auckland and all she would need would be some bottles of wine and crisps, and she would be all set for dinner plans.

Finally Saturday rolled around. Finishing at lunch time Saturday (Friday 5pm US time!) meant it was time to pickup the campervan and get the recharge holiday going.