A few hundred miles down the road from smoky Idaho, we found ourselves in smoky Utah, at the Bonneville salt flats. What with an intense 750+ mile driving weekend, our spare time was limited. But we were able to experience both sunset and sunrise at the salt flats. The opaque blandness of the sky from the fires only intensified the surreal experience.

Sunset was not much more than a few initial jaw drops at the scenery and a few practice flights with the drone, before settling in to camp overnight.

Post-sunset: Can we stop taking pictures and just chill for a bit now?

Swiftly go the nights (when there’s no mice around to keep you awake). Before we knew it, we were approaching sunrise and I was chomping at the bit to get out there and RUN. Into the nothingness, as far as you could see.

The salt flats underfoot are hard yet responsive, and well… flat. Such a great surface to traverse. Other people take their supercars to push their vehicle to its limits, testing its top speed and their own nerve. They embody their inner sense of youth, joyfully pulling donuts over and over as if in a computer simulated alternative reality. Me? I wasn’t planning on any speed records, I just wanted to experience the freedom of running into infinity. Which is exactly what it felt like.

The flash Porsches having their fun while I had mine
Close up underfoot
There are no words…
And the sun finally fought its way above the smoke for a stunning sunrise