I feel obliged to point out to the Brits that the Basecamp is not a caravan. Well, technically it is. But the Americans have no clue what a caravan is. And the idea of a caravan for me somehow rustles up thoughts of a sedentary lifestyle, crawling along narrow winding British roads, holding up long queues of irate traffic.

I recklessly pick and choose my use of American terminology to suit my own ends. I’ve succumbed to the likes of vacation and highway, and have long been asking for the rest room instead of the loo to avoid any funny looks. Meanwhile, I will never lower myself to claim “I could care less” instead of “I could NOT care less”. Anyway, to avoid any association with being middle aged/old, I’ll be coining the American equivalent of caravan instead: the Basecamp is a camping trailer. (Which by the way, is very definitely aluminium and NOT aluminum!).

It has to be said, there are both advantages and disadvantages to having a cool camping trailer. On the one hand, it’s cool! Tick. A little ego boost as you drive along, getting the thumbs up from neighbours as you head out on your next adventure. On the other hand, you start to get the looks. The bravest of the inquisitive stroll over to you when pulling into a rest stop, and casually enquire “so… you got a horse in there?” 

 I will grudgingly admit, it does have a slight horse trailer look about it, but “nope” we tell them, “it’s a camping trailer with a toilet, shower, living area, queen sized bed and kitchen”. That’s all they get and the rest is left to their imagination. But if this has piqued your interest at all, I can give you the grand tour! Actually, it won’t take long.

The back of the Basecamp converts from seating area to a bed.

One you fold up the bed you can have the tables low during the day and open the back door to enjoy the view.

This was one of the things we loved when we saw the Basecamp. The kitchen area at the front has cool panoramic wrap around windows.

And here is the blog write up position with Darren on the other couch enjoying the view and bugging me.

… and Darren chilling out, beer in hand

Told you it wouldn’t take long!  I could have put a picture of the other room on… but why would you want to see a rest room!?