Bit of cheating going on with the Whitehorse post cos I skipped the blog on the way up, knowing that we’d be spending another week here on the way back down. Whitehorse is strategically positioned along the Yukon stretch of the Alaska Canada highway. Check out its location on a map and you’ll see it’s a bit of lone wolf, the only more-than-one-horse town for hundreds of miles, and therefore a beacon in the night to us digital nomads. That said, who would have thought it would have Yukonstruct – one of the coolest, not to mention busiest co-working spaces of anywhere we’ve worked in the last 18 months.

My desk up on the balcony up there
The very new plant wall. Could be quite impressive by this time next year.

Maybe it had something to do with having La Petite Maison downstairs in the co-working office, serving sweet and savory crepes to rival any French establishment.

Quite the distraction. The creperie was right below my desk. My nose was the unwitting recipient of wafts of aromatic French cooking all day. All week. All two weeks.

Our favorite camping spot was not a campsite but a little scenic overlook parking spot (luckily for us, without a ‘no overnight parking or camping’ sign, the bane of our lives). We spent a few nights there, enjoying how the view changed with the elements.

And we had a visitor.

So adorable, just check out that tail, almost bigger than she is! Of course, we didn’t feed the fox, although it was obvious that others had, given how close she came up to us. Keep wildlife wild people!

While nowhere else came close to our scenic overlook, we camped at a couple of proper campsites too.

A passing bit of sun, we’ll take it
Pic taken not to show off the fire but to show that we had a tent camper right behind us. In a t-shirt. Needless to say, I had my woolly hat on.
A bear came to visit our fire.
Or maybe Darren was getting creative with his fire poking stick.

The opportunities to get out and about before/after work were waning considerably, as the days were getting shorter and the weather didn’t particularly want to play ball. So some very random shots of Whitehorse coming up…

So we did what we do best and ended up in the brewery. Cheers!