Blue skies and sunshine yesterday afternoon and a clear night made for a frosty start at 28 degrees (below freezing). Even the Canadian geese were kicking off at the cold around the lakeside. We were concerned we might be kept awake by the intermittent rumble of freight trains passing through Burns Lake but they either stopped overnight or we were too zonked to notice.  

Whilst ideally we like to get a few miles in before breakfast, we generally don’t make it too far before discussion in the cab turns to food. Today, we made it all of 25 miles before our breakfast stop. Breakfast and yoga that is.

One of the unfortunate side effects of traveling out of season is the dreaded closed sign. Especially where toilets are concerned. If you gotta go, you gotta go. And we all know the campervan rules on number twos.

Driving along minding our own business, on the lookout for wildlife as always. Spotted something on the grass verge at the side of the road charging in our direction, accompanied by a guy on a quad bike. A cow. Just the one. So the quad bike guy was taking his pet cow for a walk I guess. Or maybe teaching the cow to run, they probably have cow races round here. You may scoff but they have chicken races. Not even kidding. Not just chicken races but World Class chicken races at a British Columbia town called Fort St James. Shame it was out of our way to visit, we were sorely tempted.

Speaking of signs, one of the more random ones was a sign to be on the lookout for 3 missing girls. Their faces were plastered across the billboard together with the words of warning: “Girls – don’t hike on the Highway of Tears.” Good advice it would seem. We kept our eyes peeled but didn’t spot any missing girls or hitchhikers.