Snow! We woke to big fat flakes floating gently down around the campervan, a thin veil of white starting to serenely build up around us.  

We breathed a sigh of relief that we made it over the Icefields Parkway yesterday, although the snow didn’t linger too long after we left Jasper National Park and continued to ratchet up the miles, leaving Alberta behind for British Columbia. In fact, the weather continued to brighten up and warm up as we dropped from the higher elevations.

Sooo many wildlife signs on the highway: Moose Crossing next 25km, Caution – Bears, Watch for Wildlife (oh believe me, I was watching).  
I was scanning the road ahead, the grass verges, the sloping banks, and peering through the trees. Devoid of any wildlife sightings during the drive, we stopped at a layby which the guidebook had mentioned included a circle track to a moose observation platform. Perfect – if the moose wouldn’t come to us, we would go to the moose.  

After a false start involving a muddy mile or so hike, we realized we were on the wrong trail. Eventually found the right trail, confirmed by a sign that said not only moose but bears, elk and other wildlife could be spotted from the observation platform. What if failed to say was that the trail to said platform was not maintained. There was also no mention of how far it was. We persevered, we really did, spurred on by the sight of moose droppings right on the trail. But this moose walk was destined to be a no moose walk, and after clambering over one too may fallen trees, we decided to save the moose for another time and called it a day.

A Very Important Part of the daily camper routine involves stopping for coffee and biscuits. It’s a sure fire dilemma between getting the road miles in versus chilling out, indulging yourself with treats. We stopped at a supermarket in McBride for treat top ups. Spotting the aisle marked ‘international’, I made a beeline for it, hoping for more than baked beans and HP sauce. Like a kid in a sweet shop, I was spoilt for choice. Not only McVities Gingernuts for our regular coffee and biscuit stops but… wait for it… Cadburys Fingers, ooh! I was a tad skeptical as the packaging proudly declared milk chocolate covered cookies (cookies, not biscuits!). Which surely belies its US origin. But I checked the back of the box and sure enough, they’re from the UK (presumably for the export market). None of that second-rate US imitation Cadbury. Unable to choose, I stuffed both the gingernuts and the chocolate fingers in the basket – after all, we are on our holidays.