Another stint back in Frisco, Colorado means we’ve spent 6 weeks hanging around this awesome scenic backwater over the last year, almost as much time as we’ve spent at home in California! I guess this is our second or wannabe home.

One of the many joys of camping in Frisco is that you’re immersed in the most incredible scenery. I’m a sucker for lakes and mountains and so indeed, in my element.

Our first camping spot at Peak One campground was nestled amongst the pines on the peninsula, with oodles of space. We made the most of the light evenings and rather excelled ourselves on the bbq front.

Lobster tail kebabs and Mexican lager with lime & sea salt
And as the daylight faded, we hardly noticed the large cloud over the hill starting to billow and stretch out
…Until it turned into this!
View from the inside out…
Adventure Inspired By Airstream
#not photoshopped, no need for photoshop
And not another cloud in the sky
Such an incredible sight, we were quite blown away

And can you believe that we were so intent on trying to capture a photo that we somehow forgot to get a video for the 1SE 🙄

Camping spot number two, just a few hundred yards down the road, dialed back on space and privacy but the upside was a prime lakefront spot. We twirled the Basecamp around to make the most of the views (technically Darren did the twirling, I was in observation/filming mode – didn’t want to miss another video opportunity).

The BaseCamp is fifth from the right, overlooking the water. Bit of a car park type arrangement, but worth it for this view
Our bbq spot for week two: I’ll take it

EVO3 workspace required all attendees to be vaccinated. No arguments from us. This meant all restrictions were off, no masks required, desk configuration normal, and yet a healthy abundance of Clorox wipes and sanitizing gel. At one point, a potential new member walked in off the street, proudly bearing a Stars and Stripes t-shirt, and no mask. He huffed and puffed and did a double take when he saw the ‘vaccinated only’ sign. He then about turned and waltzed out, but not before loudly proclaiming that he didn’t want to be part of “the experiment”. Whatever, good luck to you dude!

Pre-work morning recreation was mainly hiking on the peninsula or biking on the peninsula. We mixed it up on the commute into work too – walking, biking and paddle boarding.

But let’s get our priorities straight… need a cuppa before we’re going anywhere
Local hiking
The bike path into work
All ready to set off for the morning commute via the lake
Off he goes
And there he is, heading into work
(well I thought it was him, actually kind of difficult to tell from that distance. But then who else is paddle boarding into work at that time???)

Post-work recreation involved a lot of bbqs at our campsite (why waste that view!). Oh, and sausages.

Belgian style beer and a sausage tasting platter at Prosit
Not all sunny and gorgeous. But then what better excuse for a campfire 🔥
Wet outdoors. Cozy in the BaseCamp.
And when you get a break in the weather at dusk, best make the most of it and get out there for a quick paddle

As we were in Frisco for a couple of weeks, we had various neighbors come and go at the campsite. Including a rowdy group of guys camping in a tent next door. We were not impressed with the state of their camp when we woke up in the morning. I don’t think they get out much.

A small group of us from the co-working office spent a fab evening on Aaron’s boat (the guy who runs EVO3), cruising around the lake and stopping off at a Tiki Bar at Dillon waterfront. There was much talk and hype leading up to our arrival at the Tiki Bar and as such I had high expectations. I’m thinking Hawaiian theming with palm trees and gaudy decor. Waitresses with grass skirts and leis. And I’m thinking exotic cocktails with paper cocktail umbrellas and Easter Island statue mugs.

What we got was a container bar that looked more at home on an industrial estate, and cocktails in plastic glasses.

Still, I’m not complaining, can’t beat a sundowner cocktail with a waterfront view, umbrella or no umbrella.

Not quite what we had planned
Still… cocktails in the sun 😊
Just cruising, let’s go….
Watching the sky and the reflections on the water change was a treat
And what mini-cruise is complete without a charcuterie and cheese board: sharp cheddar, cambazola, drunken goat and gooey-as-you-like brie; jamon serrano, chorizo and lomo, accompanied by golden pepadews, dried fruit, mango habanero jelly, crusty bread and salty crackers 😋

A two week stint meant we had a full weekend in between to play with, and no road trip miles to rack up. We packed it in with hiking, biking, kayaking, two breweries and the world’s highest distillery.

Hike #1: Aquaduct trail near Keystone. There was some drizzle in the air. I didn’t want to get rained on. Hence the luminous jacket.
Darren braved it in his t-shirt regardless
The ride: Gotta check out those straws. Modeled on Aspen tree trunks, how cool is that! Cooler than the cocktails it turns out. These ones were really bad. They redeemed themselves with others below. ⬇️
Way to combine cycling, cocktails and beer.
And just gotta accept that cycling means bad hair day.

Weekend walk #2 was the iconic ‘must do’ up Mount Royal, steep as it gets. Little did we know we’d need our Bear Grylls survival skills.

Working our way up the winding switchbacks through bold green aspens and pine forest, we stopped in the shade for a breather and a swig of water. Good job we did. Bold as brass, less than 50 yards ahead of us, out pops a black bear, strolls across the path and then saunters on his way, without so much as a glance in our direction.

Bear-close-encounter over, we continued on our way. It’s a steep old slog up Mt Royal but worth it for the views.

Still hot and sunny but starting to cloud over
View from the top of Mt Royal back down to Frisco

As we approached the summit of Mt Royal, we could see storm clouds a gathering, and out of nowhere, a howling wind threatened to blow us off the mountain ridge. But it was when we saw the lightning on the next mountain over that we realized we’d better get a wiggle on. The highest point for miles around is probably not where you want to be when lightning is on the cards.

Just one quick selfie and let’s get the hell outta here. I’d say my smile is verging on gritted teeth,
Phew… back in Frisco, safe and sound. Bears, gale force winds and lightning averted, we celebrated the joy of our existence with a beer. With a nice view of where we’d just been.

And one of the highlights of Frisco is getting out onto the water on your own steam. Bring on the kayak rental, a gorgeous early morning to get out onto the lake, and unleash the drone.

Lakes, mountains and solitude. Our happy place indeed.