Grubbiness be gone. Wallowing in the hot springs in Thermopolis (city and state park in one) was a relaxing, warming, cleansing experience. Allegedly the world’s largest mineral hot springs, although I googled it and it would seem it’s not the only hot springs to lay claim to that title. (If you’re interested, the two other main contenders seemed to be Frying Pan Springs, near Rotarua, New Zealand and Glenwood Hot Springs in Colorado, US).

“World’s largest mineral hot springs“ – it says so on the mountain, so it must be true

Our search for middle of nowhere camping continued. As the drone shows, we rather excelled ourselves in Boysen state park with a scenic spot by the reservoir, otherwise deserted for miles around.

Teeny tiny BC on the reservoir peninsula. Just us and a whole lot of nothin’.

Such a photogenic spot to try to capture the lovely fading dusk light and the sunset.

What else you gonna do but get the bbq out?
Meanwhile, Darren tried to capture me capturing the perfect shot
I just need somewhere to put my wine glass…
Rather proud of this one ☝️

Our last week in Wyoming was spent in Laramie. Camping for the week was a standard pack-em-in KOA RV park so nothing special, but worked out just fine. Some nice skies here too.

Hard at it in the Durlacher co-working space

It didn’t take long to realize that wall art on buildings in downtown Laramie is a thing. So much so, they even have a suggested do it yourself tour to see the main murals. The recommended route spans maybe a mile and a half as it sweeps back and forward taking in the sights, and get this, it was suggested as a driving tour. Wow, they must be expecting some seriously lazy tourists in Laramie.

The Route
Seriously colorful
And there’s more
And just when you thought you were done
And I think my favorite 👆

And there’s no forgetting you’re still in Wyoming.

Could be worse, could be a hoard of marauding kids after you instead of a cowboy

Laramie gave us some decent walking with the Cirrus Sky trail and the nearby Medicine Bow national forest.

Bring on the spring wildflowers on the Cirrus Sky trail
No Moose Lake, Medicine Bow National Forest
Escaped the KOA to boondock a night here
Think it was a bit chilly and windy.
Don’t think Darren wanted to stand around waiting for me to take a pic.

We also checked out Vedauwoo (still struggling with the pronunciation on that one), a scenic area with striking rock formations. It reminded us of Joshua Tree National Park (without the Joshua trees).

Spot the Hamilton, camouflaged amongst the rocks
You’d never even know I was there
Solo climber tops out on the far right rock

And just like that – with Yellowstone, Cody and Laramie down it was time to say our goodbyes to Wyoming, next stop Colorado.

Laramie: Done ✅